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bone remodeling中文是什么意思

用"bone remodeling"造句"bone remodeling"怎么读"bone remodeling" in a sentence


  • 骨的再建
  • 骨重建


  • Influence of stress and electricity effect on bone remodeling and bone repair
  • Electro - microscopic observation of trabecular bone remodeling in ovariectomized rats
  • Also , cessation was associated with an increase in bone alkaline phosphatase ( bap ) , which is a marker for bone remodeling , they stated
  • It has important role on bone remodeling , fetation and nerve development . its medical uses of curing diabetes mellitus , dawfism and osteoporosis are just developing . to obtain enough igf - 1 for basic or clinic research , we must choice an convenient method other than extraction from human materials , eg
    Igf - 1是一种多功能细胞增殖调控因子,它在骨重建、胚胎发育、神经生长等方面有重要作用,在糖尿病、侏儒症、骨质疏松等多种疾病的治疗中都有重要的应用价值。
用"bone remodeling"造句  



Bone remodeling (or bone metabolism) is a lifelong process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton (a process called bone resorption) and new bone tissue is formed (a process called ossification or new bone formation). These processes also control the reshaping or replacement of bone following injuries like fractures but also micro-damage, which occurs during normal activity.
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